03 Feb
All people are willing to find themselves in this world and to be happy, confident and successful. It is especially important for high schoolers who stand on the verge of their adult life. How to help them in the choice of the future profession? The lesson of career guidance is one of the methods to solve this task. In the end of February “Elinar-Broiler” poultry farm invited the pupils of 8-11 grades of Tatischevskaya and Volchenkovskaya schools of Naro-Fominsk district to introduce the agricultural professions to them. The high schoolers were able to see the whole scale of production at the poultry farm. Nowadays, there is basically no hard physical labor which used to exist in the agriculture, and computers, that are very interesting for the young people, have been implemented at the farms. The pupils were shownthe technologies of industrial broiler growing, they were told about highly demanded professions at the poultry farm nowadays. The tour was informative and interesting.